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Nathan Barkocy
Nathan Barkocy is a man of action. With a sense of determination and perseverance unmatched by most, he’s overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles, defied odds, and disrupted the status quo. At just 23 years old, he is a TREC-licensed commercial real estate agent, as well as the owner and CEO of Testament Real Estate, a multifamily real estate company. Nathan owns and leases five condo townhouses in the medical district of Fort Worth, Texas, which he manages personally, finding great value in being present and available as a landlord. “I think it’s important to have a human approach—not an automated one. My tenants all know me by name and know they can rely on me,” he says.
Despite his youthfulness, Nathan’s story of tenacity actually began many years ago, as an aspiring professional cyclist, when a near fatal accident put him into a two-week coma. He woke up speaking a foreign language, with half of his body paralyzed. To the amazement of his medical team, he walked out of the hospital two months later. Not long after that, he had a brain aneurysm surgically removed and healed in record time.
His entrepreneurial spirit led him to pursue a business management degree at Franciscan University, and it was during this time that he began working in and learning about real estate. “I wanted to understand what the successful people in the industry did differently from others. As I built my network, I saw that the defining factor was action, so I learned to execute through action,” Nathan says. And doing just that, Nathan leveraged an extensive network of loan officers, lenders, and investors to close on his first property, much in the same way that he helps his commercial clients capitalize on their assets. He also donates his time to Near Southside, Inc., and Urban Land Institute.
Newly married with a baby on the way, he views his current property as a steppingstone for larger projects in the future. “My ultimate goal with real estate is to build generational wealth and provide a good life for my family,” he shares. “Tomorrow is never promised, so make the most of today.”
Nathan Barkocy
CEO, Founder, and Property Manager — Testament Real Estate, LLC
Website: https://testament-qsfuf.zensmb.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathanbarkocy/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/testamentrealestate/