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Dale Clemons
Throughout his successful careers in aviation, health care, and insurance industries, Dale Clemons, a native Floridian, has always been a solution finder, someone with a knack for being able to identify a need and solve it. Whether it is improving access to health care through technology or searching the world for better pricing on medicine, his expertise is in finding a solution or building one when there is none to be found. Before he entered the corporate world, Dale served in the US Air Force as a crew chief. After he served, he continued his aviation career as an A&P mechanic and later as a second officer on B727 and B747. As a civilian, Dale was called to serve during the Gulf War and is a proud recipient of the Desert Shield/Desert Storm Civilian Air Force Medal.
Although he loved flying, Dale eventually forged a different path and found success in product/services development and deployment, with a particular focus on innovative health care solutions. When the need for lower cost medication access exploded and discount plans for prescription medications first emerged, he was a leader in lobbying for the acceptance of the importation and reimportation of medicines from Canada for US citizens. Dale has worked to develop discount health programs and has been active in various aspects of the virtual health services sector.
Finding and Creating Exceptional Health Care Solutions for All
Dale has remained focused on one primary thing: to help promote a healthier society through innovative solutions and access. "The challenge of solving problems provides my biggest gratification. You can't solve new problems with an old answer," he says. In his quest to find or create the best health care solutions, Dale founded myHealthyUS LLC. He has since turned it into a holding company with a collection of innovative health care products and services: HealthGenie WorldMeds LLC, and TritonApp LLC.
Cutting-edge companies and products changing the face of health care for consumers worldwide
myHealthyUS Wellness is a program that starts with an NCQA-accredited personal health risk assessment. The online platform is a “personalized” simple-to-use wellness dashboard, that allows users to track and access health information such as top health risks, recommendations, and health awareness programs. Users only need to complete their health assessment to get immediate access to their wellness plan.
HealthGenie helps take the guesswork out of what's wrong and what to do next. At the heart of HealthGenie is its cutting edge, proprietary Disease Pattern Recognition Engine Platform (DPREP). The engine is powered by innovative, statistical, natural language-processing software, which
understands the meaning and context of unstructured free text. This is applied to our
medical database of disease presentations which comprises thousands of carefully selected, evidence-based documents describing the multiple ways that over 10,000 conditions can present. The engine has effectively been trained for over two decades on virtually every known possible presentation of the majority of all known diseases. Patients do not have to self-diagnose; within one to two minutes, they can determine what is possibly wrong and which level of care to seek. HealthGenie is the only consumer tool available that is based on a validated physician-level differential diagnosis that is trusted, and has been used by, clinicians around the world for 18 years.
MyWorldMeds promotes affordable medication access and through its network of international pharmacy partners, the company offers value and savings to consumers. Consumers can get a 90-day supply of approved medications delivered to their homes. MyWorldMeds offers direct to consumer and industry level services.
Cold Chain Meds delivers mail order prescription medications that must be temperature controlled. Utilizing state-of-the-art tracking solutions, temperature-controlled products can be delivered from an approved international pharmacy in a timely and safe manner, while providing significant savings on the cost. "My primary goal remains the same—to help promote a healthier society through innovative solutions and access," Dale adds.
TritonApp is a mobile strategy and solutions company. It does not just supply the mobile highway and vehicle, but helps customers design the road map to their specific solution. With a proprietary mobile app technology platform, TritonApp is able to present solutions in many areas of industry, ranging from health care to construction and entertainment. Affordable, effective, and fast access to the world of a mobile strategy solution.
A past NASCAR team owner, Dale founded Cause Related Racing, which works on behalf of foundations and charitable groups to utilize the dynamics of professional motorsports. He is privileged to continue supporting the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches, helping abandoned, abused, and neglected children.
Dale Clemons
Empowered Holdings
Website: https://myworldmeds.com/; https://tritonapp.app/; www.myhealthyus.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dale-clemons-2125b110/