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Daryl Blackmon
When someone comes to Safe Harbour Benefits Solutions, Daryl Blackmon asks three questions: What would an ideal retirement look like for you? What is your plan in the event you become incapacitated? What financial legacy would you like to leave upon your death?
These are tough questions. That’s where Daryl’s 23 years of financial experience, as well as a natural gift for demystifying complex concepts, come in. With a focus on helping federal employees, seniors, and retirees, Daryl and his team provide legacy planning, long term care strategy and retirement planning so their clients can enjoy life with a few less worries. He often shares with them a little wisdom from his mother: “Prior preparation prevents poor performance.”
After witnessing his father encounter challenges with his own federal employee benefits plan, Daryl was inspired to provide support for those in similar situations. FRC-designated, he has expert knowledge of the intricate plans held by federal employees. “I help them understand their federal benefits while also planning to maximize their opportunity time and benefit dollars,” he explains. In 2013, he started Safe Harbour with a couple of partners. Together, they have a combined 75 years of experience and have each seen just about every financial scenario possible. Daryl has personally hosted over 900 financial presentations and seminars in his career, so there’s nothing they can’t handle. In recognition of their deep knowledge and hands-on, relationship-based service, Safe Harbour was awarded the 2020 Blacks in Government Service Award.
And Daryl isn’t just educating clients in the office. He provides financial insight to the Atlanta area via his Safe Money Radio Show, and was a contributing producer for docudrama The Baby Boomer Dilemma, exploring the successes and failures of America’s retirement experiment. “This project made seniors aware that they need a comprehensive retirement plan to ensure they can live comfortably,” he says. Daryl loves to see clients—some of whom have been with him since the beginning—retire successfully and live fantastic lives thanks to the plans created in his office. But he knows there’s more to be done. “There are still so many people who have not mastered the financial ‘game,’” he shares. “Seeing successes keeps me wanting to help more.”
Daryl Blackmon
Title Principal & COO — Safe Harbour Benefit Solutions
Website: https://www.safehbs.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darylblackmon
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/safeharbourbenefitsolutions/