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Dylan appears in the Top 100
Innovators & Entrepreneurs Magazine

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Dylan Jurick

Meet Dylan Jurick, the “hands-on CEO” of Intuitive Business Consultants, a powerhouse of bookkeeping, payroll management, tax preparation, financial planning, and CFO consultancy services—all meticulously crafted in 2016 and since curated by Dylan himself.

Far from a conformist executive chained to a desk, Dylan is an engaged leader, a dynamo, a rainmaker. With a knack for transforming startups into triumphs and elevating businesses from obscurity to industry prominence, his track record speaks for itself.

Dylan's story is all about hustle and determination. With an MBA focusing on finance and consulting under his belt, plus more than 12 years of real-world experience in entrepreneurship, management, and strategy, he has developed a real knack for understanding what each client needs and delivering tailored solutions that really work.

What sets Dylan apart, however, is not merely his credentials, but his track record of success. His expertise in specialized consulting has catapulted countless startups to new heights, giving them that winning edge to dominate in their industries. In short, Dylan is a growth guru.

Take, for instance, his turnaround of Specialty Cleaning Systems. Dylan took a low profitable company and turned it into a booming, multi-state success story, boosting revenue by a whopping 60%. Likewise, under his leadership, Intuitive Business Consultants has exploded into a multimillion-dollar enterprise. And, Dylan's influence goes way beyond these two triumphs. He's been a go-to advisor for more than 100 startups and business owners, helping them navigate the tricky waters of growing their businesses, mergers, acquisitions, and more.

Now that you've got a good feel for Dylan's remarkable journey and expertise, let's dive into some questions to learn even more about what makes him tick and how he's been able to achieve such incredible success.

Dylan, have you always had an entrepreneurial drive?

Leadership has always been my thing. Even back in the day, I was the one stepping up to lead groups like Future Business Leaders of America and taking on projects left and right. College was all about work for me, so I wasn't big on campus stuff, but that drive to lead never faded. In everyday life, I tend to find myself in charge because people trust me to guide the way, not because I'm out there hunting for leadership gigs.

You’re a very successful serial entrepreneur and CEO. What’s the secret to your success?

It's all about listening, plain and simple. You've got to tune in to your employees, your customers, and the market itself. You can't just charge ahead with blinders on, focusing on one thing only. Different industries and companies operate in different ways. Every day brings something new, and that's how I've managed to succeed—by staying flexible in my decision-making and strategic planning. We've got to keep our options open so we can adapt to whatever comes our way.

Let’s talk about your companies, starting with your most recent, Intuitive Business Consultants. What inspired you to start it?

Well, I studied accounting, but I had this itch to do more. I'm passionate about bookkeeping and business development. Plus, I had all this knowledge from reviving several companies as well as Specialty Cleaning, and I wanted to help others succeed too. I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was in my twenties, and I'm all about diving into ventures that shake things up, that bring something fresh to the table. Watching them grow and thrive—that's the stuff I live for.

Tell us a bit more about the turnaround of Specialty Cleaning Systems.

So, this is where my entrepreneurial drive kicked into high gear. My mom owned the place, but it was tiny—barely pulling in 100 grand in revenue. When I took over, things went into overdrive. In the first three years, I boosted our profit margin by 308%. Then, I snapped up another two cleaning companies in years four and five.

The truth is that success came down to paying attention; watching the industry trends, knowing what works and what doesn’t, and most of all, creating a culture to attract and retain talent. The turnover rate in this particular line of work is about 70%, but if you worked at Specialty Cleaning Systems, you were treated like family. I made sure everyone felt valued. I rolled out this killer benefits package—100% health coverage for the whole family, four weeks of PTO to start, and unlimited time off. And you know what? It worked like a charm. Within five years, our turnover rate was under 5%—pretty much unheard of in the cleaning business.

What advice would you give to business owners and startups?

First, listen. Seriously, that's my golden rule. Whether it's your team, your employees, or the market, pay attention. Get your strategy and operations dialed in, then hit the ground running and expect to make some sales. Next, loosen up a bit. Running a business is no joke, but life happens, you know? Embrace the chaos—dogs barking, babies crying, all that good stuff. I once accidentally set off a bunch of balloons during a Zoom call, and you know what? It made the meeting way more fun. People appreciate a little positivity, so don't forget to crack a smile. Last, but not least, don't sweat the failures. Just because something flops doesn't mean your whole business is doomed. Maybe that plan or strategy just wasn't the right fit. Embrace the bumps in the road and keep pushing forward with all the energy you've got.

What’s next for you, Dylan? Would you consider joining a startup as CEO?

I'm itching to dive into another startup or a mid-level company that's hungry for growth. I want to leverage my experience to bring a fresh perspective and help steer another success story. Status quo? Nah, not my style. I'm all about propelling forward, and I'm ready for the next big leap in my career with a company that's ready to do the same. That's what's on the horizon for me.


Dylan Jurick


Intuitive Business Consultants



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