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Robert appears in the Top 100 

Innovators & Entrepreneurs Magazine

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Robert Britting, BS, MBA


Robert retains extensive experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech space. As founder of RJ Dynamics LLC, he’s been involved with launching more than 25 blockbuster drugs helping save millions of lives and impacting the quality-of-life for men, women, and children of all persuasions across the US. He also is a rare disease expert, a niche underserved due to the scarcity of treatment options. He sees his purpose is to make a difference in the lives of others. “My motto has been ‘patients first.’ Every product I’ve ever marketed has been developed with that in mind.”


Robert’s latest innovation,, is the most comprehensive rare disease resource in the world. It’s unlike anything available today. It’s a one-stop shop for healthcare professionals and consumers carrying everything necessary to understand, diagnose and treat rare conditions.


Dr. James McQuire, professor and physician scholar, Temple University, Leonard Abrams Center for Advanced Wound Healing, says it best; “This invaluable source of accumulated information is a GOLD MINE for physicians and patients—an amazing resource. Patients with rare diseases and their doctors spend a great deal of time and often search many resources looking for answers when they have a rare malady with confusing symptoms that can send a doctor down 100 ‘rabbit holes’ before they find the one that can lead to a treatment or cure. He’s created a site where searching and its accompanying agony can be relieved."

Robert states, “At consumers and medical professionals can find literally anything they need to know about their disease, including treatment options, information about specific medications, free and discounted drug coverage, clinical studies, more. importantly, can be used to make better healthcare decisions.”

Robert consults with, and has held numerous leadership positions, serving as VP of marketing, chief commercial strategist, VP for two of the largest healthcare communications companies in the world, executive director, chief strategist at a worldwide health care omnichannel marketing firm, and a market research, database, and intelligence director at a major pharmaceutical company. Helping others spans across continents. He founded the self-funded African Institute for Medical Education (AIM), training healthcare professionals in Uganda. Robert served as an adjunct professor at DeSales University and Gwynedd Mercy University.


Robert holds a master’s degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University.


Robert Britting, BS, MBA

Founder & President — RJ Dynamics LLC



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