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Robert appears in the Top 50 Attorneys of 2019 Magazine

Robert Radulescu


Robert Radulescu credits the knowledge that he gained and the internships that he participated in during his time at law school, with providing him with the deep legal insight and hands-on experience to successfully represent clients today. Robert is the managing attorney and founder of the law firm, ROMANCORE LAW, P.C.  He is a highly experienced civil litigator with diverse experience in both the state and federal courts.

Robert was born in Romania and moved to the Unites States when he was twelve years old. His father was an engineer and his mother was a lawyer, which guided his educational path. He graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle with a Bachelor of Science degree in construction management and engineering. He worked as a project engineer for a couple years (including on the longest floating bridge in the world) and then decided to focus on law, attending California Western School of Law and earning his J.D.

While attending law school, Robert explains that he had many prophetic experiences that shaped his career and led him to his role as a successful attorney. He worked for the California Innocence Project, which was housed at his law school in San Diego. This program was created to help exonerate inmates that were wrongfully incarcerated. Robert explains that he was one of the only people in the first year of law school that they allowed to work for the project.

He was also fortunate to be selected to participate in other prestigious internships; at the United States District Court for the Southern District of California and the San Diego Superior Court. At those respective courthouses, he clerked for two of the most honorable and well-known local and federal judges. In these roles he learned a lot about what goes on behind chambers (which many even experienced attorneys are often unfamiliar with) – which provided valuable information for practicing law and best serving his clients.  Robert explains that working for both state and federal judges was pivotal to his future success. He also worked for the California Attorney General’s Office, where he gained invaluable knowledge and also had a substantial impact on his law career.

With his vast practical knowledge of the law and the comprehensive experience that he had gained, Robert founded his own firm in 2017. His firm focuses on civil litigation issues but also covers a broad range of areas of the law including class action law suits, employment law, wrongful death, medical malpractice, personal injury, business litigation, first amendment issues, real estate and business law. Today, he is working on highly impactful cases, some of which are appellate cases that will even set new precedents and shape future California law.

While it started out as a small firm, it has now grown into a substantial law business and Robert’s goal is to continue to expand.  He adds, “I have always had a very entrepreneurial spirit and have aspirations to make my practice grow into a nation-wide law firm.” Robert explains that being an attorney and a business owner is not for everyone, but he was confident in his skills and knew that a well calculated risk often results in a reward. 

Aside from his successful law firm, Robert also owns a real estate firm. Real estate has been his passion ever since he was in high school and started a real estate development company with his family.

Robert is a current member of the San Diego County Bar Association, the Los Angeles County Bar Association and the American Bar Association. He also speaks Romanian and Hungarian fluently.


Robert Radulescu, Esq.


Founder and Managing Attorney

Founder and Managing Broker

Tel: (619) ROMANCO (office)

Tel: (619) 766 – 2626 (office)  |

Download The Top 50 Attorneys of 2019 Magazine and see Robert's feature on page 38. 

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